Koh Rong

I lost my SD card, but Helen had an extra one so I can use that one. I didn't get any pictures today on the ferry over to Koh Rong which is 2h away from Shianukville, but I just fell right asleep on that boat anyways.

We left the lovely Finnish guys and met two new guys from Finland that are also going to Songkran (the Thai New Year) in Chiang Mai, so we are just going to buss it in a few days. I have an old friend from Sweden that's living in Chiang Mai which is where the biggest celebration is, so that will be fun. I guess people spray water on each other? I don't know but everyone keeps telling me not to miss it so I'm not going to :P

A very blurry picture of some noodles, I'm getting better at eating everything with chop-sticks :)

This is some of the whitest sand I've ever seen and the Island is absolutely beautiful, relaxed, and they have tons of activities and do lots of volunteer work here. 

This is what we are thinking about doing tomorrow, 10 dollars seems like a fair deal to me.
2 meals are also included. The plankton is what shines in the water at night, I want to see it.


  1. Thank u sweetheart! Den kom idag. Läser den i kväll Osho vidare. Kramar Pappa


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