Back in Bangkok

I really love it here for some reason. I haven't taken any pictures cause I've been sleeping the whole way. Ofc at the border, it was mad chaos. This time it was like we were at the airport but nobody knew where to go and it ended up taking 3h. There were like 2km no mans land that nobody knew what to do in or where to go. It worked out in the end after a ton of standing in lines and hours.

We got to Bangkok like an hour ago and it feels like we got home from a vacation. It's a nice feeling. Helen is eating some veggies, I stuffed my face with weird asian treats at the last pitstop after sleeping with a suitcase on top of me I needed some stress relief in the form of sugar. I'm quite happy to get on yet another night buss, my new favourite form of travel. I just crash out immediately and you don't have to pay for accommodation. 

So yeah, tomorrow morning we will be in the north of Thailand. I'm excited :D


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